Bosch is sent to Las Vegas to track down what Anthony Aliso was doing there and who had contact with him when he was there. While viewing video monitors of Aliso gambling, Bosch recognizes one of the other players as a former FBI agent with whom he had an intimate relationship, Eleanor Wish. Bosch travels to the adult nightclub “Dollies” and encounters employees who know Aliso and confirm Aliso was in the club prior to departing back to LA. The club owner “Lucky” confirmed that Aliso was in a relationship with “Layla”, a former employee.
The examination of the Rolls Royce and body are completed in an LAPD building. After the name and address of the victim are confirmed, Harry and Rider respond to Tony Aliso home to make the next of kin notice to his wife Veronica Aliso.
While performing the “dirty work” Bosch and Rider were advised my Veronica that her and Tony's marriage were estranged and that Tony would make frequent visits to Las Vegas to meet “Investors”
Next Bosch and Rider respond to Tony Aliso’s office, a small studio facility, to conduct a search. While conducting the search, Bosch and Rider become aware that Aliso's office was broken into.
A reviewing of surveillance video and some investigative theory, the Bosch and Rider surmise that someone broke into the Aliso’s office to retrieve a phone bug.
The next day, Bosch, Rider and Edgar meet with Lt. Billet where she instructs Rider to follow Aliso’s money trail, Edgar to continue requesting search warrant for Aliso’s home and office, lastly Billet wanted Bosch to go to Las Vegas to track down what the Aliso was doing there and who had contact with him when he was there.
A body found in the trunk of a Rolls Royce seems to have connections with the mob and leads Bosch and his investigation to Las Vegas. It's Harry Bosch's first homicide case after returning from involuntary leave following his actions concerning Lt. Pounds. The car was found by a veteran beat cop near the Hollywood Bowl. Harry arrives during a concert and is comforted with a difficult decision.
Do he process the crime scene given the concert goers or do he move the “show” to an LAPD building.
Deciding to move the crime scene, Bosch is second-guessed by his new Lt. Billets. But after Harry informed Lt. Billets of the extenuating circumstances, Lt Billets does something rare in Harry’s police life, apologies for second-guessing his decision.
Per LAPD prodigal, Bosch notifies an on-call Detective Dom Carbone from OCID, the Organized Crime Investigation Division of the investigative finding thus far.
After Bosch finished telling Carbone of the investigative finding, Carbone oddly took a pass on the investigation that appeared to have a connection with the mob.

THE POET (1996)
Detective (Retired) Phillip Parker of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, is joined by members of his family for an in-depth analysis of the first book of the Jack McEvoy series, The Poet (1996)chapters 9 - 12.
Detective (Retired) Phillip Parker is joined by Cheryl, Phillip Vinson and Sydney Parker, who are members of his family for an in-depth analysis of the first book of the Jack McEvoy series The Poet(1996).
Detective (Retired) Phillip Parker is joined by Cheryl, Phillip Vinson and Sydney Parker, who are members of his family for an in-depth analysis of the first book of the Jack McEvoy series The Poet(1996).

Detective (Retired) Phillip Parker of The Thin Blue Line Podcast, finishes his investigative assessment of Detective Harry Bosch in The Last Coyote (1995) chapters 46 - 51. Starting with the intro reading, then the introduction into The Last Coyote (01:00), continuing with communication in the locker room to discuss the prior chapters summery (02:03), opening of the murder book’ chronological record reviewing the investigative summary thus far (04:10), continuing with the chapters big idea (07:27), followed by hitting the streets and giving a detailed analyze of these chapters (08:01), then the question of the day (33:22), resuming hitting the streets (36:09), moving to everyone counts or no one counts (57:05) and ending with outro (59:40).
Bosch awakes at Mittel's house with his head bleeding, locked in a game room. Before Mittel's enforcer can arrive, Bosch pockets a billiard ball that he hopes to use as a weapon. Mittel tells Bosch that Conklin has conveniently jumped out of the window of his room right after Bosch left. Mittle ask why Bosch cared some much about an old murder to he replied, “Everybody Counts”. After Bosch tells him that he left his briefcase with his evidence in Conklin's room, Mittel nods to Jonathan to finish off Bosch. Bosch makes Jonathan miss, hits him with the billiard ball, and eventually knocks him out. Mittel runs off, and Bosch follows. Mittel attempts to ambush Bosch and in the struggle, Mittel falls off a cliff and dies. Bosch returns to the house but cannot locate Jonathan. The police arrive, and Bosch next wakes up in the emergency room. Bosch runs down the whole investigative effort to Irving explaining that Mittel murdered Marjoie Lowe to keep Conklin in politics. Before leaving the hospital, Bosch gives an interview with The Times Reporter Keisha Russell, outlining his investigative efforts. Upon leaving the hospital, Bosch conducts a drive by his home but finds it demolished.
Responding to the address of Monte Kim, the writer of the article concerning Fox, Bosch learns that Kim wrote the article on Fox's death, ignoring the illegal activities in his past in order to obtain a job with Conklin.
Kim had photos of Conklin and Fox with two women (Meredith Roman and Bosch's mother) and used them to blackmail Conklin to obtain the job.
Believing that he finally has enough information to confront Conklin, Bosch visits him in his nursing home.
During their conversation Bosch discovers that Conklin was actually in love with his mother.
Conklin advises Bosch that on the day that she was murdered, they decided to go to Las Vegas and get married.
Conklin also advised Bosch that he had called Mittel to ask him to go with them to be his best man but Mittel declined and told Conklin that marrying Marjorie Lowe would ruin his career.
Conklin reveals that he suspected Mittel as having something to do with Marjorie's death based on a commit Mittel stated years later.
As Bosch was leaving Conklins, he was attached and knocked out where he dreamed of a coyote and the feeling of loneliness.
After Dr. Hinojos and Harry finish talking, Chief Irving joins Harry in his conference room. Chief Irving ask Bosch about the off the book investigation concerning his mother and if it could in any way be linked to the death of Pounds.
Bosch artfully answers Irving's question without disclosing the facts concerning Mittle and the computer searches how Bosch utilized Pounds identification to conduct them.
Irving informed Bosch that his story checked out because Irving called the numbers from Harry's notebook of Jasmine and McKittrick.
Enroute back to his home, Bosch explains to IAD Detective Tolliver to “Get out” of IAD, if not he would be a prisoner to Internal Affair because NO one would want to work with him due to his association with the unit.
Bosch also gets a call from Keshia Russell requesting a comment concerning a story she is running that points a finger at Bosch as being the “Prime Suspect” in the murderer of Lt. Ponds. Bosch convinces Russell that the story is a plant by Lt. Brockman in an attempt to smear him.
Upon arrival at his home, Bosch is confronted by building inspector Gowdy, stated that he was tipped off concerning activities related to the house. Gowdy then grants Bosch five minutes to retrieve any personal belongings before securing the premises and locking Bosch out.
Bosch decides to take up residence at a hotel he uses to stash witnesses. After unpacking, Bosch decided to follow up on an investigative lead concerning the reporter that wrote the story of Johnny Foxes death by a hit and run driver on or about September 30th, 1962.
When Harry returns to Los Angeles, there are IAD officials along with Chief Irving waiting for him inside his home.
While he was in Florida, LT Pounds was found dead in the trunk of his car, tortured.
Bosch is brought to the Parker Center for questioning and provides sold alibi concerning his whereabouts.
One of the IAD Officers, Lt Brockman, provokes Harry concerning Pounds death.
Unable to contain his rage, Harry attaches Brockman and has to subdued by Chief Irving.
Harry admits to himself that when he used Pounds' name when trying to scare Mittel it led to Pounds death.
After conviceing McKittrick that his visit was legetamete, Bosch learns that at the beginning of the investigation, McKittrick’s senior partner, Eno, was called into the Assistant DA's office and told that Fox was not involved with the murder and he should not be investigated by the department. The only way they could interview Fox was in Conklin's office. During this interview, McKittrick mussed that it appeared that Conklin and Mittle seemed to be working for Fox. After that interview, the investigation went nowhere and was left as an unsolved case. McKittrick also informed Bosch that the fact that Fox was later killed while working for Conklin and Eno was working the investigation, it lementaed the fact that Eno and Conklin had an illicit relationship. In order to gain entrance to the gated community where McKittrick lives, Bosch had pretended he was interested in a house for sale in the community and toured the house briefly. He goes back to the house after leaving McKittrick and eventually has a romantic encounter with the woman who owns the house, Jasmine Corian. Bosch spends an extra day in Florida with Jasmine, and they reveal many personal secrets to each other. On his way back to Los Angeles, Bosch detours and stops in Las Vegas to visit the widow of Eno. Harry intimidates Eno's paramour, who is taking care of the ninety-year-old invalid, into letting him take some of Eno's old files. From the files, Bosch discovers that Eno had been receiving $1000 a week through a dummy corporation.
Bosch entering his therapy session with Dr. Hinojos. Bosch asks Dr. Hinojos to look over the crime scene and autopsy photos concerning his mother. In response to his request, Dr. Hiojos tells Harry she thinks he tricked her by drawing her into his investigation of Marjorie Lowe. Bosch responds by stating he thought that this was a place for him to tell the truth and that he trust Dr. Hinojos
Dr. Hinojo asks Harry why finding his mother’s killer is so important to him after so many years. Bosch told her it was hard to put into words, but everything changed for him after she was gone. And for a long time Marjire Lowe didn’t matter and he was ashamed of that. Ashamed that as a cop he had the power to do something about it but for twenty years did nothing. Dr. Hinojo asked Bosch to recount in greater details the “Incident” concerning Lt. Ponds and Harry. Harry proceeds to explain that Lt. Pond broke a cardinal rule by reading Bosch’s suspect Miranda rights.
Bosch further explains that most of what police officers do is to get people talking concerning the crime, ferret out the inconsistency and hammer them home until they get a confession. Later, Bosch arrives at Tampa International from California with the intent to interview Mckittrick. Bosch puts in play a ruse to find Mckittrick witch works. Bosch knocks on the door of Mckittick’s home and introduces himself to Mckitticks wife. She informs Bosch that Jake is down on the dock, which Bosch responds too. As Bosch is talking to Mckittick, Mckittick pull out a gun and points it at Bosch, Mckittick told Bosch that while he was walking from his house to the dock he called some friends back at LAPD and was informed that Bosch was suspended. Bosch decides to drop any pretense and tell Mckittck that he was Marijuaa Lowe's son.
Bosch in a therapy session with Dr. Hinojos. During this session, Dr. Hinojos and Bosh explore the relationship between Bosch and his mother. Bosch opens up and reveals painful memories concerning his childhood. Bosch further explains that he admires his mother, Marjire Lowe, the lengths she went through to shield him from the fact that she was a prostitute.
Back at home, Bosch opens the box containing evidence concerning the murder of Marjire Lowe. During this viewing, Bosch made a number of investigative revelations to include the lack of blood on the garments Marjire Lowe was wearing and the instrument used to kill his mother had been purchased by him when he was a little boy. Feeling anchase, Bosch takes a drive and finds himself at a fundraiser hosted by Mittle. Acting on impulse, Bosch enters the party pretending to be Lt. Pounds. Later, Bosch comes face to face with Mittle and puts in motion rouses to get the measure of Mittle. Bosch hands a waitress the new clip concerning Jonny Fox and requests that she give it to Mittle. Before giving the clip to the waitress, Bosch writes on the bottom of it, “What prior work experience got Johnny the job?” Mittle is visibly shaken and Bosch takes this as his clue to leave. The next day, Bosch receives a call from the fingerprint technician, Brad Hirsch. Hirsch informed Bosch that the compairition of the finger prints did not match any in the AFT system. After the phone call with Hirsch, Bosch decides that he needs a badge to continue with the investigation of his mother. Responding to the Hollywood Division, Bosch proceeds to steal Lt. Pond's badge, promising himself that once he finishes he would return it promptly.
Bosch is sitting at the dining room table reviewing the news paper clips that Keisha Russell from the times had provided. Bosch thinks about his last therapy session with Dr. Hinojos. Dr. Hinojos flatly counseled Bosch to stop his investigation into the death of his mother, until he was better emotionally prepared to face what he might find. Dr. Hinojos told Bosch that he is headed down a path that could jeopardize the very foundation of him being a homicide investigator. Reviewing two stacks of news clips, one for Conklin and the other from Mittle, Bosch notices that Conklin was a fast rising DA task with a number of high profile investigations. Mittle on the other hand appears to prefer to work in the shadows. Bosch also notes that Conklin was from Hancock Park, the same location in which Katherin Register mentioned to Bosch was Marjorie Lowe’s last known destigation. After this review, Bosch called a long time DA friend Roger Goff. Goff conferred that Conklin was not dead but in a retired and living at a full - care retirement home. Goff also expressed the belief in a romer that Mittel was reasonable for planting pronografe on a co-worker desk so that he could be Conklins right hand man.
The next morning Bosch calls the LAPD personnel office to check whether the initial investigative Detectives Eno and/or Mckittrick were still current police officers. After dealing with the city's bureaucracy, Bosch was able to establish that Eno had since died and that Mckittrick was residing in Florida. Later that afternoon, Bosch responds to LAPD’s Scientific Investigations Division and requests a lab technician to run the prints acquired during the investigation of Marjorie Lowe thru the new AFIS computer system looking for matching prints. As Harry was getting on the elevator enroute to the Evidence Storage Division, he noticed Chief Irving. The conversation that ensued revealed that Chief Irving was handling Bosch and Ponds' situation differently. Chief Irving stated that it was his hope to get Bosch back to Hollywood's homicide table. Chief Irving requested that Harry think about writing a letter of apologies to Lt. Pond hoping that letter and Harry passed Dr. Hinojos recommendation would more than suffice to justify Harry's return. Harry told the chief that he would think about writing the letter. Afterwards, Bosch responded to ESD and retrieved the box that contained the evidence collected during the investigation of his mother.
Bosch awakes and is hung over from the amount of alcohol consumed the night before. Bosch is angered at himself for almost self-immolating due to falling asleep with a lit cigarette in his hand. He looks at himself in the mirror and wonders what is going as his life is spiraling out of control. Upon checking his answering machine, Bosch listens to the messages, one from Lt. Ponds ordering him to drop off his departmental vehicle and the other from Jerry Edgar. Jerry first apologises to Harry for his actions the day before and secondly tells Bosch that he could not locate any information concerning Johnny Fox. Bosch decides to contact a reporter at the LA Times to run down any old articles concerning Johnny Fox. After showering and cleaning up, Bosch responds to Hollywood Division and confronts Lt. Ponds by dropping off this cruiser as ordered. During this interaction Ponds is visibly scared of Bosch. After this encounter, Edgar meets Bosch and drives him to a car rental company. Enroute to the rental company, Bosch receives a call from the new LA Times crime beat reporter, Keisha Russell replacing Bremmer’s. Russell provides Bosch with a September 30, 1962 Time story concerning how Johnny Fox was killed in a hit and run, while working for district attorney hopeful Arno Conklin. Bosch admonishes Russell to keep his request a close hold for her and his protection. After his meeting with Russell, Bosch arrives early for this therapy session with Dr. Hinojos. Dr. Hinojos confronts Bosch about his injured fingers and what it represents. Dr. Hinojos also informes Harry that he has all the classic symptoms of “The Blue Angst”. “The Blue Angst, as described by Dr. Hinojos is a condition similar to post-traumatic stress syndrome. Impressed with her ability to break him down and begins to open up and express his issues. At Dr. Hinojos prompting Bosch to tell her of the encounter with the coyote close to his home. Bosch also tells Dr. Hinojos of his life's mission to figure out who his mothers kill.
Upon returning to his home, Bosch opens the murder book concerrning his mother Marjorie Phillips Lowe. Bosch begins the review of various police reports to include Marjorie Lowe’s prior arrest records concerning prosuitution. During this review, Bosch makes note that the reports had a number of grammatical errors which lead Bosch to believe that the investigator did not put much effort into the homicide investigation. As Bosch reviewed the summary of the autopsy report, he came across a couple of surprises. The time of death was placed at seven to nine hours before discovery. Near midnight. The surprise was the official cause of death. It was listed as blunt-force trauma to the head. The report described a deep contusion over the right ear with swelling but no laceration that caused fatal bleeding in the brain. The report said the killer might have believed he strangled the victim after knocking her unconscious but it was the coroner’s conclusion that she was already dead when the killer wrapped Marjorie Lowe’s own belt around her neck and tied it off. The report stated further that while semen was recovered from the vagina there were no other injuries commonly associated with rape. Rereading the summary with an investigator’s eyes, Bosch could see the autopsy conclusions only muddied the waters for the original two detectives. The initial assumption based on the appearance of the body was that Marjorie Lowe was the victim of a sex crime. That raised the specter of a random encounter—as random as the couplings of her profession—leading to her death. But the fact that strangulation occurred after death and that there was no convincing physical evidence of rape raised another possibility as well. They were factors from which it could also be speculated that the victim had been murdered by someone who then attempted to disguise his involvement and motivation in the randomness of a sex crime. Bosch could think of only one reason for such misdirection, if that had been the case. The killer knew the victim. Bosch also noted that a prominent district attorney, Arno Conklin inquired about the investigation, which seemed curious. As Bosch reviewed the murder book, he observed it was filled with “filler reports” Bosch noted that the initial suspect was Lowe’s pimp, John Fox. It appears that the investigative team placed Fox under surveillance but later cleared Fox as a suspect. Having acquired her made from the murder book, Bosch vists “Meredith Roman?”. Roman was Lowe’s best friend. Roman tell Bosch that she received a threatening phone call to keep her mouth shout concerning Lowe’s death. Roman did tell Bosch that the night Lowe was killed she was to attend a party hosted by Arno Conklin.
After leaving Roman, Bosch utilizes Lt. Pound id information and call DMV to check for a home address for Johnny Fox. Bosch then called Jerry Edgar and requested assistance in locating Johnny Fox. Edgar hesitates which angers Bosch. Bosch proceeds to a local bar and takes in a quintet playing “Do Nothing Till You Hear from Me” The group moved into “What a Wonderful World.” The song made him feel lonely and sad but that was okay. Loneliness had been the trash can fire he huddled around for most of his life.
Harry was placed on ISL, Involuntary Stress Leave for a physical attack on a fellow police officer. Pending the outcome of mandatory therapy with LAPD’s Behavioral Science Section will determine if Harry will be reinstated as a detective.
During their first session, Harry is very guarded and combative with Dr. Carmen Hinojos. During this session, Harry attempts to explain that he and Salvia Moore have broken off their relationship, with Salvia telling Harry, “She Found out who Bosch was. Harry further advises that he keeps busy repairing his home that was damaged during the latest earthquake. Dr. Hinojos starts to peel back some of Harry's defences at which time Harry tells her that Everybody counts or nobody counts. Shortly thereafter, Harry begins to tell Dr. Hinojos his side of the events that lead to the “INCIDENT”. Later back at home, Harry covertly enters his home that has been “red tagged” as condemned by the city due to the damage caused by the earthquake. Harry refuses to give in and decides to affect repairs and petition the city for reconsideration.
After chastising himself for watching cars in traffic, Harry receives a phone call from Jerry Edgar. Edgar advises that Ponds has partnered him with a different detective. What makes the action more egregious is that Edgar's new partner has no CAP experience. Haven taken Dr. Hinojos advise to stay busy, Bosch responds to LAPD’s Storage Facility and retrives the murder book concerning his mother Marjorie Lowe.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) and Alan Parker Vice Investigator (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, introduces themselves to the greater podcast world. In this introductory episode they converse about the nucleus behind the creation of the podcast.

Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”,concludes his in-depth analysis of the third book of the Harry Bosch series, The Concrete Blonde (1994).
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”continue his in-depth analysis of the third book of the Harry Bosch series, The Concrete Blonde (1994).
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the third book of the Harry Bosch series, The Concrete Blonde (1994).
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the third book of the Harry Bosch series, The Concrete Blonde (1994).
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the third book of the Harry Bosch series, The Concrete Blonde (1994).
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the third book of the Harry Bosch series, The Concrete Blonde (1994).
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the third book of the Harry Bosch series, The Concrete Blonde (1994).
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the third book of the Harry Bosch series, The Concrete Blonde (1994).
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) and Alan Parker Vice Investigator (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, introduces themselves to the greater podcast world. In this introductory episode they converse about the nucleus behind the creation of the podcast.

Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Ice, Chapters 33 - 34.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Ice, Chapters 29 - 32.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Ice, Chapters 25 - 28.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Ice, Chapters 21 - 24.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Ice, Chapters 17 - 20.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Ice, Chapters 13 - 16.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Ice, Chapters 9 - 12.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Ice, Chapters 5 - 8.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Ice, Chapters 1 - 4.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) and Alan Parker Vice Investigator (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, introduces themselves to the greater podcast world. In this introductory episode they converse about the nucleus behind the creation of the podcast.

Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Echo, Part 9, Monday May 28.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Echo, Part 8, Sunday May 27.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Echo, Part 7, Saturday May 26.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue his in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Echo, Part 6 Friday, May 25.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) and Alan Parker Vice Investigator (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue their in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Echo, Part 5 Thursday, May 24
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) and Alan Parker Vice Investigator (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue their in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Echo, Part 4 Wednesday, May 23
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) and Alan Parker Vice Investigator (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue their in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Echo, Part 3 Tuesday , May 22.
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) and Alan Parker Vice Investigator (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, continue their in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Echo, Part 2 Monday May 21
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) and Alan Parker Vice Investigator (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, start their in-depth analysis of the series of Harry Bosch - The Black Echo
Phillip Parker Detective (Retired) and Alan Parker Vice Investigator (Retired) of “The Thin Blue Line Podcast”, introduces themselves to the greater podcast world. In this introductory episode they converse about the nucleus behind the creation of the podcast.
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After Bosch’s interaction with and failure to further his investigative efforts at Dollies, Bosch tracks down Eleanor Wish. After contact, they spent the night together. Bosch is informed by Vegas PD that the investigation concerning Aliso had taken a huge step forward due to the fact that the prints Bosch provided matched the prints for Vegas Gangster. Bosch also learns that Vegas PD has acquired a search and arrest warrant for this individual without Bosch's input. During the execution of the arrest and search warrant, Bosch finds a weapon. During the prisoners arrest processing, Bosch is advised that Eleanor Wish is being brought in for questioning. To have Eleanor relished, Bosch agrees to work jointly with Vegas PD concerning the investigation. During a call back to LA, Lt. Billets advises Bosch that the unidentified male in the surveillance video captured outside of Aliso office by Detective Carbone from OCID.