The Thin Blue Line Podcast

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The Poet (1996) Chapters 1 - 4

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The Poet (1996) Chapters 1 - 4 Phillip, Cheryl, Phillip Vinson and Sydney Parker

Detective (Retired) Phillip Parker is joined by Cheryl, Phillip Vinson and Sydney Parker, who are members of his family for an in-depth analysis of the first book of the Jack McEvoy series The Poet(1996).  

(00:27)Starting with the intro reading, then the introduction into The Poet, (01:17)continuing with communication in the locker room to welcome and greetings from panel members,(03:57) investigative summary, (04:45) continuing with the chapters big idea, (05:20)followed by hitting the streets and giving a detailed analyze of these chapters,(57:54) then the question of the day,(01:00:46)resuming hitting the streets,(01:07:56) moving to everyone counts or no one counts and (01:14:16) ending with outro.